Lawn Care Tips
Whilst as lawn care professionals, we can use the best fertilisers, herbicides and specialist treatments to make the most of your lawn, it won’t reach its full potential without your help. These hints and tips will ensure you are doing everything YOU can to make sure your lawn looks its best.
The weather has a profound influence on the condition of your lawn and unfortunately we can’t control it! Warm, wet weather is ideal for germination and growth. Increasingly dry summers may damage your lawn with brown patches appearing.
Mowing does much more than simply reduce unwanted growth. Correct mowing encourages a strong, quality growth. Ideally the grass should be short enough to be attractive but long enough to be healthy.
- Cut grass regularly from March to October with the occasional light top up on mild days in the winter.
- Do not cut the grass too short – approximately 1.5 inches. Letting the grass grow long and then
cutting it short will stress the grass and result in weak and unhealthy lawns. The grass should not
grow more than 0.5 inch between cuts. - Keep the grass longer during drier weather to allow it to retain moisture.
- Cutting infrequently shocks the grass and reduces its vigour. Regular cutting and alternating the
direction of the cut will improve the thickness of your lawn and control thick meadow grasses.
- Water your lawn regularly in dry weather, particularly after you have cut it or it will dry out.
- In warm weather, it is recommended that you water your lawn heavily every one – two weeks.
Watering it every night for a few minutes will keep the top inch or so moist but may encourage the
grass to develop shallow roots. Getting the water into the soil will encourage the roots to develop and
follow the water down. Grass that has developed long roots will be far more tolerant to drought
conditions in subsequent years.
Debris, shrubs and trees
- Clear leaves and other debris off your lawn as soon as possible or your lawn will develop bare
patches. - Food and water shortage, and shading from dense, overhanging trees, is a problem. It can result in
plentiful moss and sparse grass which may need spiking and re-seeding each year. - Remove lower branches to allow as much light as possible to penetrate your lawn.
- Water at the first sign of drought.
- Cut grass less frequently than in other areas of the lawn.
If you are planting a tree, choose a small-leafed variety such as birch or laburnum rather than oak or beech.